Keeping Safe
Speak to Mrs Fegan if you:
- do not feel safe, or
- are worried about someone else.
If you can’t find Mrs Fegan, you can talk to Mr Dennis or Mr Walsh.
Children can contact ChildLine free on 0800 1111 or visit
DSL Lisa Fegan |
DDSL Stephen Dennis |
DDSL & LAC Tim Walsh |
DDSL Viki Allen |
CHAIR OF GOVERNORS Verity Langley & Carly Hobdell
HR/People Ops Manager & Trust Safeguarding Lead Trust DSL Dominique Ivil |
CEO & Trust Deputy DSL Mark Talbot |
COO & Trust Deputy DSL Stephen Barrett |
Chair of Trust Board Nick Taunt |
Trustee Safeguarding Lead Nick Wilkinson | |
What should I do if I have a safeguarding concern?
Concerns about Children or Young People
Visiting the school?
Concerns about the Headteacher or member of staff?
Concerns about the Headteacher
Useful contact numbers
Children and young people For additional help and support or to speak to someone independent of the school please call the SPOA/MASH team; SPOA 01323 464222 |
Staff and volunteers To speak to someone independent of the school about concerns of staff or volunteers please call the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) on; |
Our safeguarding team
Our safeguarding lead is Mrs Lisa Fegan, deputy headteacher.
Our deputy safeguarding leads are:
- Mr Stephen Dennis, headteacher
- Mr Tim Walsh, assistant headteacher
Please call to speak to one of us if you have a safeguarding concern.
How to contact us
In term time
Call 01323 723298
Or email (term time only).
In school holidays
Contact SPOA (Single Point of Advice) on 01323 464222 or in an emergency call the police.
Safeguarding at Tollgate Community Junior School
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We expect all staff, volunteers, parents and children to share this commitment.
We have policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment. See our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.
We may need to share information and work with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare.
We will discuss our concerns with their parents or carers first unless this would risk the child's welfare. If we cannot contact the parents or carers, we will ask Children’s Services for advice.
We actively support the Government’s Prevent agenda to counter radicalisation & extremism.
You must not take photos or video recordings in school unless you have permission from the school.
Operation Encompass is a Police initiative, to inform the school within 24 hours, when there has been an incident of Domestic Violence or Abuse which involves a pupil at Tollgate.
When the Police attend an incident, and there are children present, they will notify the school, via email, that the incident occurred. At Tollgate, this is sent to the Safeguarding Team, Mrs Fegan, Mr Dennis and Mr Walsh.
The information shared with the school will be limited: no details of the incident, merely that there was an incident, the time and venue and that Police attended.
By informing the school of this, we can be better equipped to support your child, whether that means additional monitoring and TLC, if they are presenting as upset, or perhaps a more generous interpretation of the behaviour and sanctions policy, if they are presenting with challenging behaviour.
The school will not contact the parents. Should you wish to discuss an incident, please contact the office and ask to speak to Mrs Fegan.
Information Board