Parent Support
If you have any concerns call our school office on 01323 723298 and ask to speak to Mrs Dale, our Pastoral Support lead.
Health and Welleing
These are some websites that we use and may be helpful.
Supports parents of children in primary and secondary school with their health and wellbeing.
Find how to contact your school nurse at
ChildLine is a free 24-hour counselling service for children and young people. They are there for you whatever you are going through.
e-motion is a free online counselling project for young people aged 12-18 years who live in East sussex.
Advice and support for anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
Samaritans offers a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal.
Change Grow Live supports children, young people and families with health and wellbeing, substance use, mental health, criminal justice, domestic abuse and homelessness.
Mental health support and practical advice on supporting your child's mental health.

The Domestic Abuse Service helps if you’ve been affected by domestic or sexual abuse or violence. In an emergency call the police on 999. You can also use 101 to give information.
Family Support
East Sussex Community Information Service(ESCIS) is a directory of local information.
Care for the Carers provide free practical and emotional advice – face to face, by telephone, or online. They can put you in touch with other carers, and services near you.
Citizens Advice provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities.
Fegans cares for children through counselling and parenting support. They provide safe environments for at risk children and their parents.
Spurgeons offer an instant live chat with a counsellor for your child’s #mentalhealth concerns. Try our #AskaCounsellor live chat for free guidance and resources. Get the support you need when you need it! Find out more here:
East Sussex Young Carers (IMAGO) support Young Carers aged 5-18 who are caring for a family member with a long term illness or disability, mental health or drug and alcohol issue.
The National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) provides a free, fast emergency injunction service to survivors of domestic violence regardless of their financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation.
Open for parents (Triple P UK) can help you manage your child’s behaviour and support their development or emotional wellbeing. They offer support and advice to help build a positive relationship with your child.

Holding space support parents and children's mental health and well-being through:
- Face to face support groups
- Online group support
- 1:1 counselling
- Walk and Talk Sessions at different locations in Eastbourne
Housing, Debt and Benefits
The Shaftesbury Centre has trained advisors offering free advice with:
- form filling
- debt, budgeting and money issues
- benefits
- housing
- pensions and employment issues
- consumer and community issues.
Southdown (Previously Home Works) is a short-term housing support service in East Sussex. It supports vulnerable people to find and keep safe and affordable accommodation.
Souuthdown also work with you to help improve your health, wellbeing and independence.
Eastbourne Foodbank provides emergency food for local people in crisis. Please call in and see Mrs Fegan if you require a Foodbank Voucher.