New Parents
If your child is starting at the school you may have questions. We have tried to answer them here.
The school day
Our gates open at 8.30 am and school starts 8.45 am. Children are welcome to come into the playground any time between these times. School finishes at 3.20 pm. This gives a total time amounting to 32 hours, 55 minutes in a typical week.
Speaking with your child’s teacher
Class teachers take their class onto the front playground at the end of the day. If you wish, you can have a word with the teacher at this time. If you prefer, you can make an appointment for a longer and more private meeting via the school office or by emialing the teacher direct.
Seeing your child's work
School is open every Tuesday after school for your child to show you their work. Alternatively, we can send work home for you to look through. There are also three parents/teacher consultations each year.

Seeing the Headteacher or Deputy
You can make an appointment to see the Headteacher or Deputy. In addition, the Head is on gate duty every morning and afternoon if parents wish to have a quick word.
The school office
The school office is open between 8.15 am and 4.15 pm. You can leave messages on the school answer-phone at other times.
Medicines in school
We have staff who are trained to administer most medicines. You will need a permission slip from the school office. Fill in the slip with the details of the medicine and the dosage and leave it with the medicine with the school office.
Accidents or illness in school
Our trained first-aiders will treat any minor injuries such as cuts, bumps and bruises. The school will always contact parents and carers when necessary. If we need to take your child to hospital, we will make every effort to contact you first. Please tell us if you change your telephone number.
How you can help your child at home
The two most important things you can do at home are:
- read with your child and
- talk with your child.
Children make much better progress when:
- their parents and carers read with them, and
- they see their parents reading.
Also, when you really talk and listen to your children, they learn better social skills and have a wider choice of words to use.