Clubs and Childcare
Early birds morning club
The Early Birds club runs from 7.45 to 8.30am daily during term time. Please book and pay for sessions on Parentpay. This closes at 7.30am each day, so booking in advance is preferable.
The club costs £3 per session with a discount for children who qualify for pupil premium.
Mrs Barrow and Miss Wright run the club.
Mrs Barrow

Earlybirds Co-ordinator
Miss Wright

Earlybirds Assistant
After-School Club
We have an after school club from 3.20 pm to 5pm every day during term time.
The club offers activities including art and crafts, outdoor sports, handicrafts, computing, homework and team games.
Ms Hanna and Mrs May run the club and it costs £6.50 per session. This includes a piece of fruit or a biscuit and a drink. There is a discount for children who qualify for Pupil Premium.
Children who attend another club first, can attend from 4.30 pm to 5 pm only, for a reduced price. There is a discount for pupils who qualify for Pupil Premium (please see booking form).
If your child is absent from school and therefore from the club, please notify school as soon as possible.
Emergency sessions - Call the office to arrange emergency sessions.
Behaviour - Our pupils using the club must be able to relax and enjoy their time after school. To keep our pupils and staff safe, we ensure appropriate behaviour following our school behaviour policy. You can read this on our policies page.
To book your child’s place complete a booking form. You can get one from the school office or download the form below. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Please note, we can only accept your child if you book and pay for their place on ParentPay.
Download and complete the booking form to book your child's place:
After school club booking form
Ms Hanna

After School Club Co-ordinator
Miss Field

After School Club Assistant